Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Heart to Heart

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Well friends, you may have noticed I deleted my last post featuring the bag I picked up at Zara. To be completely honest, I wasn't 100 per cent happy with it...At the end of the day, I don't want to post something just because I haven't had the chance to post in a while. I want to update the blog with content I enjoy and know you'll like just as much.

On a more positive note, I'm going to do my best to update the blog at least twice a week. Now that I figured out how to use my new tripod and remote for my camera, taking personal style/OOTD photos is 100 times easier. Stay tuned!

Hope you have a fantastic Wednesday



  1. I feel the same way. If rather not post if I'm not 100 percent passionate about my posts. I find myself having weeks of ton to post then blah lol. Btw absolutely love your blog.

    XOX Shopgirl

  2. Nice to know I'm not the only one that feels that way! So glad you can relate...Also, thanks for the kind words love. Happy Wednesday! Xx

  3. I love reading your posts so looking forward to more fashion fun x

  4. Super sweet! Stay tuned for an outfit post later today or tomorrow. Xx

  5. Your blog is amazing and I love the contents. It's very inspirational and your photos are always top notch!

    Stephanie |

  6. You're beyond sweet Stephanie! I'm so glad you like it. Xx

  7. I admire your honesty. I've been really struggling with posts at the moment, hence why I haven't posted anything.
    It's good to do something with integrity and still be yourself xx

  8. Thanks Samuel! I'd rather be honest and upfront with everyone rather than delete a post and not say anything. Sometimes when life gets busy, posting is the last thing you want to do. Not being inspired or motivated are completely different stories......We all go through times like this (unfortunately)! Xx

  9. I take my hat off to you for it. Yes, being busy means it's not always possible to devote as much time as I'd like to my blog, but I have to remember life comes first! xx

  10. Understandable Michael. Post what you love.. not half love.. :) This is your domain and I am sure we all appreciate the honesty.. :) ....Have fun with it. :)

  11. Transparency and honestly are best policies aren't they? So happy you understand! Xx


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