Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Current Luxury Beauty Favourites

Recently I've been on a luxe beauty kick and I've picked up a handful of products that I've been eyeing for months. Don't get me wrong I always find it hard to bite the bullet and invest in expensive products, but most of the time I'm not disappointed. That being said I couldn't be happier with this hand cream from Jo Malone and Lip Balm from La Mer, so I thought I would share my thoughts on these products with you just in case you're eyeing them too.

La Mer Lip Balm

If there's one beauty product I'll always splurge on, it's lip balm. So far my all-time favourite is from Tom Ford's collection for men, and this little luxe lip balm from La Mer is my second fave.

First off, I love the formula because it's super moisturizing and isn't too glossy. Secondly, it's super creamy and glides on smoothly which I love. Not sure if you've experienced this too, but many lip balms that I've tried leave strange clumps of product on your lips...Not ideal! Anyways, my one and only issue with this product is the packaging. Yes it's super luxe, but I'm somewhat of a germaphobe and cringe at the thought of using my finger to apply the product when I'm out and about. That's why I usually keep it by my bedside and apply it throughout the evening or before bed. It also has a refreshing yet subtle minty vanilla scent and taste that I love.

Jo Malone Geranium & Walnut Hand Cream

In addition to splurging on lip balms, I'll always invest in a good hand cream. Especially now that autumn and winter is just around the corner!

This one is extremely moisturizing, has an interesting cooling effect and one it's applied, keeps my hands moisturized for hours (even after washing my hands with hot water and soap multiple times). In regards to the scent, it's quite earthy smelling but it definitely isn't as strong as the hand creams from Aesop. It's more neutral and reminds me of a calming spa-like scent that's perfect for autumn and winter...If you're one the hunt for a new hand cream, I highly recommend this one!

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